Scanny Danny

More insights at lesser time for value investor like you.

An army of AI agents to uncover a company’s insights. Join the Waitlist Today for 10 Complimentary Reports. Receive deep dives on companies + surprise gift on joining.

What's different about this?

Scanny Danny is not just a chatGPT wrapper. Its a collection of AI agents working seamlessly to answer your question. They are arranged like nodes of a graph. They pass information and iterate over 100 times before giving you an answer.Because of this the answers that you see in website like and other similar websites are significantly different.On the negative side generating each answer takes more time and is costlier.Below there are some examples to showcase its powers.

You will get details about cases. Link to report

Details are missing

It doesn't shy away from giving lot of details. Link of full report

Finchat is frugal in giving out lots of details.

It finds information hidden inside layers of data. Link of full report

StockGPT scratches the surface of the layer unable to find information.

Join the waitlist now and generate 10 reports for free after launch. Receive deep dives on companies + surprise gift on joining.


When is the expected launch?Around March end
Who are you?My name is Asish Panda. Software engineer. And a value investor. I find the task of researching a company fun. I believe AI will make us a better investor by helping to digest vast amount of information.
Vision? Principles?1) Only use the most credible, informative information source. 2) Continuously iterate and improve the models to bring the best insights. 3) Make it as simple as possible but no simpler.
What will be its price?Not yet finalised but it will be costlier than other AI assistants. Because to generate each report a collection of AI agents work. Not just one.


I am thrilled in the era we are progressing. The generative AI you see now is revolutionary. For us value investor this means that we can shorten our research time by 100 times. And also gain insights that we never thought about. All this for fraction of price it will take to hire people to gather information.
I have lots of things planned and with your support this can bore fruitation.

  • The first item on list is to give you the access to Danny's current capabilities. I plan to use Discord bots to communicate for start. Email also works but that will have a lag and lesser functionalities.

  • The next item on list is to improve the data sources. Currently its official documents. Which we know tend to be overly optimistic. For the bots to gain different views it needs to look at industry experts talks, investor writings and founders interview and a lot more.

  • Third item on the list is to improve bot's intelligence. This will involve implementing NLP algorithms, ML techniques like segmentation. And of course utilizing generative AI in more efficient architecture.

Join the next era of value investing. Generate 10 reports for free after launch. Receive deep dives on companies + surprise gift on joining.